Do you have a naughty erotic story or a fantasy or something fun experienced with a ladyboy? Send it to us and we will post it after approval. Webcam stories preferably with photos.

Of course, photos of cam models are 18 years and older and please use the model name and website for a check. We do not link to any non-existent chat room. An email address is not required, but should there be any questions or comments we will not be able to reach you.

The length of the story is up to you, but the more text the better. We reserve the right to shorten or modify the story.

You may enter an email address and you may also write in your own language. A horny guy will translate it to English.

Xxx Mocha 😘

    max 2mb - filetype: gif|png|jpg|jpeg|txt|doc|docx

    Or chat with other pretty trans girls!